Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 1 - Goals Setting

In Day 1, 14 Oct 2009, We did goals setting.

The way to do it is to first assess the current situation:

Boon Hock:
Height: 168cm
Weight: 85kg (187lbs)
Age: 19
Fats % = 25%
Amt of Body Fats = 21.3kg

Our aim is to get into shape in 7 weeks on 4th Dec 2009.

The Aim is as such:

Boon Hock on 4th Dec 2009
Height: 168cm
Weight: 78kg
Age: 19
Fats % = 15%
Amt of Body Fats = 11.7kg

Based on the goals we set, we need to burn off 21.3 - 11.7 = About 10kg of Fats.
In order to burn of 1 kg of Fats, we need to shave off about 7000 calories, so 10kg is about 70,000 calories.

This may sound like a huge number... But we have 7 weeks to do it.
So each week, we need to burn of 10,000 calories and assuming a 5 day work out week, we need to burn off 2,000 calories per day.

So how do we do it?

We fall back on the basic formula:
Calories IN - Calories OUT = Fat Gain/ Loss

We need to have a deficit of 2,000 calories per day!

Current Calories In
Below is Boon Hock's current eating patterns:

Breakfast: Rice with chicken and eggs + soya bean drink (1000 cal)
Lunch: Nil
Dinner: Rice/ Noodles with Meal and Vegetable + Syrup Drink (1000 cal)

Estimated Daily Intake = 2000 calories

Current Calories Out
Boon Hock activity level is general low. He does not do any exercies.
In order to calculate his Calories Out, we need to find out his Basal Metabolic Rate - which is the amount of calories his body uses just to maintain his functionality.

This is the formula:
Men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 X wt in kg) + (5 X ht in cm) - (6.8 X age in years)

Women: BMR = 655 + (9.6 X wt in kg) + (1.8 X ht in cm) - (4.7 X age in years)

Boon Hock's BMR is 1941.30calories, which is the Calories Out.

2000 Calories Deficit

The way we want to achieve the 2000 calories deficit is by targeting both calories in as well as calories out.

Calories In Strategy:
For Boon Hock's food intake, we are changing one of his meals into a Meal Replacment Drink by USANA which is low in Glycemic Index. The amount of calorie of the drink is about 200 calories.

By taking this meal, we already shave off 800 calories from his daily calories.

Calories Out Strategy:
Boon Hock's activity level is current low. Since we already shave off about 800 calories off, we need to find a set of work out that will shave off another 1200 to 1300 calories.

This may seem like a mission impossible. And the idea behind the work out is to be progressive.

The reccommendation will be to start with cycling and weights training targeting on Major Muscle Group.

We are hitting the gym at 1500 hr later!

Come join us in the gym.